Moving a long distance can be stressful for the entire family. Planning and doing some basic preparations can make an interstate move much easier. Be prepared for unexpected delays and issues because they often happen during a long-distance move.
The following tips can greatly reduce the amount of stress that comes from unexpected circumstances when moving by helping you come up with a solid plan before the big move.
Get Estimates for Movers
When you’re planning a long move, it’s helpful to hire an interstate moving company to do the packing, moving, and unpacking. Getting a few estimates from different moving companies can help you choose movers that are affordable but also reliable.
Be sure to ask for references and read online reviews before hiring a moving company so you can feel confident your property will arrive safe and secure to your new home.
Pack a First Night Box
When you’re packing for your new home, it can be helpful to have a box with the essentials for your family to get through the first night and morning. Think of everything you may need for each family member, including pets. Some items to include are changes of clothes, toothbrushes and other toiletries, paper towels, cleaning supplies, toilet paper, and breakfast essentials.
To be sure you have everything you need you can make a list of what you use each night and morning leading up to the move, so you’re sure nothing gets forgotten. Be sure to clearly label your box so you can easily access it when you arrive at your new home.
Consider Moving Insurance
An interstate move carries some risks that aren’t necessarily associated with shorter moves. Purchasing a moving insurance policy can protect many of those risks. Moving insurance can cover accidents or damage to your property along the way.
While many moving companies offer limited insurance included in the price of the move, you can purchase an additional policy through an insurance provider for added coverage.
Declutter and Downsize
The months and weeks leading up to a big move are the ideal time to declutter your home and get rid of things you no longer need or want. Even before you start packing up your belongings in boxes, you should consider if the items will fit well into your new home. This is especially true with furniture. If you have items, you don’t want and can afford to replace them once you move you should sell them or donate them before moving rather than after.
Arriving in your new home with furnishings you don’t love can take the joy out of unpacking and decorating a new home. Clothes, kitchen items, and general household decor are also good items to purge before the big move.
An interstate move requires planning and preparation in advance to help reduce stress on the family. By preparing yourself before the move through decluttering you can help make the transition period from your old home to your new home go much smoother. It’s helpful to have a box prepared with all your first night and morning needs in your new home, so you aren’t searching through various boxes.
It’s also important to consider moving insurance and take the time to research movers, so you have the best services available during the process.